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Where to see a doctor for esophageal reflux disease?

Many people consider esophageal reflux disease (GERD) a common disease patients can buy and self-medicate at home without visiting a doctor. But then their condition may worsen, leading to many complications later.

A story from a patient having long-term GERD 

“About 3 or 4 years ago, I always had a burning sensation in my chest, with a lot of belching and acid reflux, especially when I was hungry. Sometimes, I also felt like choking or something stuck in my throat when swallowing or drinking... After looking for online information, I found these symptoms were of many common and dangerous diseases, even cancer. I was really confused with this information,” said Mr. Nguyen Van H (Bac Giang). 

“Then, one day, when talking to a friend, he said he had the same symptoms as me and was diagnosed with esophageal reflux disease. My friend also advised me to schedule a gastroscopy to know what my disease is for better and more effective treatment. He also referred me to Hoang Long Clinic for examination and advice from Professor and Doctor Dao Van Long – Former Director of Medical University Hospital, Former Head of Gastroenterology Department of Bach Mai Hospital, and Senior Specialist of Hoang Long Clinic”.

Prof. Dao Van Long shares information on esophageal reflux disease

Image: Prof. Dao Van Long shares information on esophageal reflux disease

The mistake of self-diagnosing and self-medication 

I clicked my tongue (showing not interested) and decided not to see a doctor because I was really worried when he mentioned the endoscopy. The discomfort, nausea… when the endoscope passed through my mouth to my stomach, made me afraid ‘til this day. After talking with other friends, I made a diagnosis that I had esophageal reflux disease. So I bought medicine myself to treat at home. And the tragedy began when my symptoms did not improve, and the discomfort got worse. In the end, I had to regretfully put away the medicine, more than a haft of it hadn’t been taken, and then called Hoang Long Clinic for advice. At that time, I did not trust my friend’s recommendation that undergoing endoscopy at Hoang Long Clinic was not painful or uncomfortable. Calling the clinic for more detailed information, I finally decided to visit once to see how it goes. Luckily, the staff member who answered the phone was enthusiastic and thorough, so I felt more confident. Making an appointment was also very easy.

Changing my thought about endoscopy

The next day, I came to the clinic. Since I had already booked an appointment, the receptionists quickly completed the registration. I was referred for an examination with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Duy Thang - Gastroenterologist in the Hoang Long Clinic. After that, Dr. Thang recommended I undergo an endoscopy. He also gives me details on types of endoscopy services, such as endoscopy using the laser system or endoscopy using the Fujifilm 7000 system with magnification. All these procedures would be performed gently, with no pain, so the patient would not feel any discomfort. So I decided to choose the 7000 system with magnification because this method was considered a better screening method for early detection of stomach cancer.

The most modern endoscopic systems and equipment at the Hoang Long Clinic 

Image: The most modern endoscopic systems and equipment at the Hoang Long Clinic 

I was taken to the endoscopy unit of Hoang Long Clinic. The room was very clean with neatly arranged instruments, and the equipment was also very modern. The doctors put on full protective gear with clothes, gloves, and masks before the procedure. I was then anesthetized and underwent an endoscopy.

It took me only 30 minutes to wake up completely, and I felt like I had just taken a nap, not a gastric endoscopy. Then I was taken to see Prof. Dao Van Long for advice and prescription. I was explained clearly about esophageal reflux disease (GERD). It is a disease that occurs when stomach acid frequently flows back into the tube connecting your mouth and stomach (esophagus). People with this disease often have typical symptoms like me. The professor gave me detailed advice on diet changes and daily activities to avoid reflux. Please see the articles below if you are interested in treating and preventing esophageal reflux disease (shared by Prof. Long).

Esophageal reflux disease (illustration)

Image: Esophageal reflux disease (illustration)

After a month, my esophageal reflux disease has improved a lot. Since then, I occasionally feel uncomfortable with belching, heartburn, and choking. Eating and drinking have returned to normal. Sleep quality is deeper and much improved.

In fact, this experience has completely changed my old views on endoscopy. It is true that the more advanced the medical equipment is, the more beneficial patients get. Through this endoscopy, I feel more secure in my health. Since then, my family has now become frequent customers at Hoang Long Clinic. We visit the clinic twice a year to get a periodic health check, especially for early cancer detection. We also receive enthusiasm, advice from doctors, and attentive care from the staff here.

Contact information: Hoang Long Clinic

- Address: 10th floor, VCCI tower, 9 Dao Duy Anh, Dong Da, Hanoi.

                  18th floor, CONINCO tower, 4 Ton That Tung, Dong Da, Hanoi.

- Hotline: 19008904| 024 628 11 331

- Zalo: 0986954448

- Fanpage:
